This paper analyzes the characteristic of the third-harmonic voltages at the generator neutral and the terminals under different operation conditions. 分析了发电机发生定子接地故障后,机端和中性点侧三次谐波电压相角变换的特性。
A few problems of neutral point operation mode in electric power system 关于电力系统中性点运行方式的几个问题
Discussion on the types of generater neutral grounding and the analysis for their operation 发电机中性点接地方式及运行分析
The grounded neutral system of the power network is one of the most important point for safe operation. 电网中性点接地是关系到电网安全可靠运行的关键问题之一。
Analysis of neutral grounding operation modes for distribution network 配电网中性点接地方式分析
An efficient and simple dynamic detection method of signals in the neutral net is set forth by making use of the excellent functions of neutral net, super parellel operation and non-linear Images. 指出了传统信号检测方法的局限性,并利用神经网络的学习、高度并行运算能力和非线性映射等功能,提出了一种高效、简单的神经网络信号动态检测新方法。
All the specimens were fixed in 10% neutral formalin and embedded in paraffin after operation. melanogaster, C. Six eggplant cultivars were inoculated with G. 术后标本全部经10%福尔马林液固定,常规脱水后石蜡包埋,4um连续切片,每例收集6张,一张行HE染色,余备免疫组化用。
In fact, the ratio between the third harmonic voltage at the neutral and terminals does not remain constant even when the generator is in normal operation because some complicated factors in the models are very difficult to define. 某些难以处理的因素会使机端对中性点三次谐波电压之比值在不同正常运行工况下发生变化,对此本文建议用实测值来修正仿真结果,并给出一种简便的修正方法。
The neutral point operation mode and its developing course in electric power system were introduced, some basic ideas and technical terms about neutral point operation mode were defined, and a new idea about neutral point operation mode was presented. 介绍了电力系统中性点的运行方式,以及中性点运行方式的发展过程,明确了几个关于中性点运行方式的基本概念和专业术语,给出了关于中性点运行方式的新提法。
The control measures of abnormal displacement voltage of neutral points in compensation electric network are introduced based on power networks operation, arc suppression device structure, tuning and operation manners. 基于电网运行、消弧装置结构和调谐运行方式诸方面的研究分别对补偿电网中性点位移电压采取了控制措施(如调整电网结构,加大消弧线圈补偿回路的阻尼率等)。
Neutral Grounding Mode for Sanshui District Distribution Network and Its Operation Analysis of Arc Suppression System 三水地区配电网中性点接地方式及其消弧系统的运行分析
The principle and structure of the resonance-proof three phase voltage transformer used in the neutral insulation system are discussed. The connection errors brought about in operation are presented. 论述了中性点绝缘系统中采用的三相防谐振电压互感器的原理与结构,并指出了运行中容易发生的接线错误。
The neutral resistor is earthed during normal operation of the network, with the voltage limiting level about twice as much as the phase voltage. 在电网正常运行时,中性点电阻器接地,限压水平约2倍相电压;
In addition, the storage stability of neutral paste is good, so it is more convenient for operation. 此外中性色浆贮存稳定性好,为印花操作带来方便。
In addition, choosing the different value of inductance and resistance of Petersen-coil at the neutral may influence the operation performance of the zero-sequence fundamental frequency voltage protection. 分析了发电机中性点经消弧线圈接地时,其参数的选取及对基波零序电压保护的影响。
Moreover, in order to improve the operation level, it is necessary to synthetically consider many things, such as neutral point grounding modes, insulation co-ordination, selection of switchgear and improvement of operation environment etc. 提出了提高设备运行水平,需要多方面综合考虑,如中性点接地方式、绝缘配合、设备选择、运行环境改善等。
When HVDC system operates in monopolar mode and uses the earth as a return path, partial entering ground current may flow into the power transformers, which neutral point grounded, and this will bring a series unfavorable consequences to system operation and transformer. 当高压直流输电系统采用单极大地回路方式运行时,可能会有部分入地电流流入中性点接地的电力变压器中,这将给系统运行和变压器本身带来诸多不利后果。
This paper described the factors which cause the neutral point potential rise and effect on the zero sequence active power flow in the neutral point un-directly grounded distribution systems both in normal operation and in single phase-to-ground fault operation conditions. 文章从理论上阐述了引起中性点不直接接地的配电系统在正常运行中以及线路出现单相接地故障后中性点位移的各种影响因素,以及对各线路零序有功功率大小和方向的影响;
With the ground fault capacitance current further increasing, more than 300A, we could consider using neutral grounding via low resistance to ensure the safe operation of distribution network. 当接地故障电容电流进一步增大,超过300A时,可考虑采用中性点经小电阻接地的方式运行,保证配电网的安全运行。
Introducing the neutral feature operation, this text puts forward to the program of model transformation based on feature operation. 引入中性特征操作概念,提出了基于特征操作的模型转换方案。
This test can also be used as an analysis of the power system neutral grounding and single-phase ground fault operation of the platform for us to better analysis of the actual run-time power system working state data to provide a practice. 本实验台也可以作为一个分析电力系统中性点接地及单相接地故障运行情况的平台,为我们更好的分析电力系统实际运行时的工作状态提供一个实践数据。
Moreover, passing the neutral section and economical operation issues were also important topics of the railway sectors. 此外,电分相问题和运行经济性问题也是铁路相关部门的重要议题。
By sampling the voltage and current on the neutral point during normal operation, calculating the system-to-ground capacitance in real-time and finding the value of arc suppression coil compensation inductance, the conditions for real-time arc suppression coil tuning are provided. 在系统正常运行时准确对中性点电压电流进行采样,实时准确地计算出系统的对地电容并求出消弧线圈对应的补偿电感值,为消弧线圈实时调谐提供依据。
With the increasing capacity of distribution network and new large-scale use of electrical equipment, a suitable neutral grounding more and more important for the safe operation of the power grid. 随着配电网容量的不断增大和新型电气设备的大量使用,选择一种合适的中性点接地方式对电网的安全运行越来越重要。
In short words, the new operation mode of neutral point is feasible and bears great academic and engineering significance in both enhancing operation level of grids and reducing trip out rate of line. 总之,本文提出的中性点新型运行方式是可行的,对提高电网运行水平和降低线路雷击跳闸率极具学术价值和工程价值。
With the rapid growth of the size of distribution network, network-to-ground capacitive current is increasing continuously. As a result, resonant neutral grounding operation mode has become the development direction of distribution network. 随着配电网规模的快速增长,配电网对地电容电流不断增加,中性点经消弧线圈接地的运行方式已经成为我国配电网的发展方向。